Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Hey Kids, YOLO!

I have a confession to make. Despite being a somewhat cool rockandroll scenester back in my day -- what I lacked in coolness I made up for in DGAF spirit -- I have been cultivating my Embarrassing Mom status throughout my daughter's 9th grade year.

I thought I had reached my pinnacle a few weeks back, when my daughter and I pulled into the school parking lot and I exclaimed "Hey look, it's Whatshisname!"* out of partially rolled down car window and pointed in a most indiscreet manner and smiled maniacally at her ex-boyfriend as we rolled by. "Ohmygod Mom, STOP. He heard you!" I widened my eyes, smiling, "What? He knows I'm a weirdo, it's okay. I mean, your friends know I'm a teacher -- they won't pay any attention to my antics." 

She rolled her eyes and shook her head smiling slightly and began telling me some funny school story as she climbed out of the car, retrieved her ginormous backpack (who my husband has named Hershel because it's the same size as our daughter) from the back seat, and slung it over her shoulder. She said bye and closed the door before I could wish her a good day, so I rolled down the window to call to her -- as one does -- despite Ex-boyfriend sauntering about ten feet ahead of her. "Have a good day! YOLO!" I yelled. I then began laughing maniacally as I realized my most-excellent improvisational prowess, sure to be cringe-worthy to any teen not attending high school in 2014. "YOLOOOOOOOO!!!!!!"

Ex-boyfriend continued walking, pretending to he unfazed by the middle-aged woman yelling YOLO out of her minivan window and cackling. My daughter hunkered her shoulders down in a move I thought for sure would signal her ignoring my hilarity, but she turned back to look at me and she was cracking up! "YOLO!" I proclaimed at the top of my lungs and then puckered my duck lips as I flashed a sideways peace sign before pulling out of the parking lot.

Mic drop.

Meme Design by Embarrassing Dad
Meme Design by Embarrassing Dad


*Names have been changed to protect the identities of teenage ex-boyfriends.


  1. I could picture this scene perfectly, because I have teen daughter in grade 9 as well! Everything I do is cringe-worthy. Love this story and it made me laugh. I needed that laugh.

  2. Haha, this is great! Thanks for the laugh!

  3. Hahaha! As a kid, I would be devastated. As an adult, I LOVE this. Sometimes you have to live with the YOLO mindset.

  4. When you can get your teenage daughter to smile at you... to appreciate your humor... to enjoy being in the same vicinity as you without snarling or frothing or shrieking... Consider yourself golden.


  5. OMFG! I need you to turn this meme into a postcard and send it to me. This post made my damn day!

  6. I was sitting in a waiting room when reading this yesterday and had to come back to comment. I felt like it needed a warning, "laughter may be a side effect when reading this slice." So funny!
